Never Stop Learning (NSL)

The Never Stop Learning program was created to support our families with their aspirations. Whether the goal is obtaining a GED, becoming a Pharmacist Technician, or learning how to budget household income, NSL provides a pathway to greater possibilities. Never Stop Learning is comprised of four components:
  • Adult Education (Short-term training, GED or secondary education).
  • Children's Education.
  • Parent and Child Together (PACT) Time.
  • Parent Time.

By targeting these four areas, NSL impacts the entire household. Educare Flint is more than a school for kiddos, It's a family learning center.

Listen to Success Stories from NSL participants on how they could focus on a brighter future for themselves and their families. Or how NSL embraced participants and gave them the right push.

To learn more about how you can get involved with Never Stop Learning, contact Mike Kildee.